ohmiya sk
The secret behind the looks, the giggles and the undeniable connection of the famous duo.
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Ohmiya SK's Himitsu!
5th August 2009
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Saturday, 11 April 2009
Arranged in alphabetical order:
(3 Drabbles and one as Taka and Yuuji :D) - kos_mos26
4 Ohmiya Drabbles - kos_mos26
5 batches of drabbles - kos_mos26
5 Ridiculously Cute Ohmiya Moments - Honooko
5 times Chinen thought about writing Ohno fan-letters - mirai_kazuko
"季節" - 13miku
A-Z drabbles - mirai-kazuko
A 2008 Ohno - duoson
Accepted - vintage_belle
A Change of Mind - bclar
Airlines - evolardnek
Airports - lockability & boe_4eva
Alibi - cupcake4mafia
A Man's Love - nicadj
Am I No Good To You - thefrug
An Air upon the Wind - i_am_zan
Arashi Elevator series 5/10 - trickylady
At home (Nino POV) - duoson
At home (Ohno POV) - duoson
Autumn Rain and Shades of Home - i_am_zan
Beats - duoson
Be With You - jamiesteban
Business or Pleasure, Sir? - adronicus
By the Light of the Moon - i_am_zan
Ceramics - vintage_belle
Chocolates - vintage belle
Closer - duoson
Comment Box FlashFic - i_am_zan
Coming Clean - evolardnek
Comfort Objects - kos_mos26
Congratulations - jamiesteban
Cookie Capers - vintage_belle
Cookies - lockability
Craving For Your Touch - jamiesteban
Cruel Gentleness - nicadj
Dire Straights - kos_mos26
Doubt versus Love - weepyjester
Don't Look Back - elfiepike
Drabbles - eufrastina
Drabbles - i_am_zan
Dressing Down - vintage_belle
Domesticity - vintage_belle
Don't Hold Back [Pool Fun]- boe_4eva
Drunk Series - vintage_belle
Enough - chokingsmoker
Everyone and their mums ship Ohmiya :D - isaofdoom
Exchanging of Roles - trickylady & nirote
Exposing Tequila Love- jamiesteban
Fear - vintage_belle
Feather Lust - adronicus
Fic Request Meme - cupcake4mafia
Firsts - 13miku
Fishing - lockability & boe_4eva
Five times Nino was a little shit to Chinen and one time he felt kind of bad about it - Omnipresent Doormat
Forgive and Forget - kos_mos26
Forgiveness Lies In.. - adronicus
Forward - cupcake4mafia
Freefall - weepyjester
Friendship and the Art of Silence - isalliknow
Game Enough? - boe_4eva
Gauche - kos_mos26
Ghost - Omnipresent Doormat
Girlfriend Troubles - weepyjester
Going, going - elfiepike
Good Intentions - cupcake4mafia
Harbourage - bclar
Headlines - cupcake4mafia
He Changed His Mind - weepyjester
Help - bclar
Home of the Tigers - kos_mos26
How It All Begins (AKA The Ohnomama Story)- Omnipresent Doormat
Icing - trickylady
Idol Revolution - aoimidori
I hate you too - trickylady
Immortal Arashi - boe_4eva
In Concert & Endgame - i_am_zan
Introspect - 13miku
In which Nino amuses himself at a barbeque - kos_mos26
In Your Arms - jamiesteban
I refuse to title this Thing. D: D: - isaofdoom
It's morning - duoson
Just Some Silly Drabbles - thefrug
Kazu... have you seen my pants - kos_mos26
Kisetsu - 13miku
Kissing Under the Lights - vintage_belle
Lack of Cuddles - kos_mos26
Leave Unsaid What's Unspoken - thefrug
Let go - trickylady
Like - lockability & i_am_zan
LINES - inthekeyofpike
Missing you - duoson
Monochrome - i_am_zan
.. My iTunes is gay ? - eufrastina
My Leader My Captain - i_am_zan
Near Yet So Far - jamiesteban
Nesting - kos_mos26
Nightmares - eufrastina
Nino's Gift - kos_mos26
Nino's Motivation - weepyjester
Nino's Neck - duoson
(None) - aatash and chockingsmoker
(none really) - i_am_zan
None - Velvetgunfire
None - Velvetgunfire
None - Velvetgunfire
None - Velvetgunfire
(none) - i_am_zan
Not Enough Is Sometimes Ok - i_am_zan
Of Simple Happiness- nicadj
Of Honor and Harems - kos_mos26
Of Threat and Challenges - i_am_zan
Ohmiya in the kitchen drabble - Omnipresent Doormat
Ohmiya Mini-fics - kos_mos26
Ohmiya Wedding and Honeymoon - kos_mos26
Ohno's Day Off - kos_mos26
OhMiya fic dump - i_am_zan
Ohmiya's First Time - mirai-kazuko
One Million Richer - panthera_Mort
One Step Further - duoson
Out at Sea - i_am_zan
Our own world - elfiepike
Paradox - thefrug
Perspectives - bclar
Phone Call - trickylady
(Poem-like) Ohmiya Oneshot.- trickylady
Prologue - elfiepike
(prompted on word - cat) - i_am_zan
Protective - lockability
PWP - vintage_belle
Rainbow - Ayisse
Random Fluff - duoson
Random Fluff #3 - duoson
Rebuilding on Belief - i_am_zan
Recollections - 13miku
Red - lockability
Red-stemmed Violets - adronicus
Relief of a Massage - jamiesteban
Request Meme - cupcake4mafia
Right Back To You - isaofdoom
Sabotage - lockability
Seasons - lockability
Secret Agent Aiba-chan - kos_mos26
Self-Assertions And Barriers - bclar
Serendipity - elfiepike
Setting the Rules - bclar
Silent Messages - kos_mos26
Six Impossible Things (A drabble sequence)- Omnipresent Doormat
Sleight of Hand - kos_mos26
Slowly - lockability
Something Beautiful - nicadj
Songs for You - i_am_zan
Special Training - i_am_zan
Stargazing - evolardnek
Storm - trickylady
Subtle Lies - nicadj
Teaser - vintage_belle
The 10 Stages to Obsession- boe_4eva
The Clothes Off His Back- inthekeyofpike
The one where ohno is santa - elfiepike
The Peeper - kos_mos26
The Princess and the Pea - bclar
The Taste of Love - kos_mos26
The Visitor - bclar
This is a drabble dump. D: D: - isaofdoom
They Belong Together - weepyjester
Those Lips - matsujuns_girl
Three things Nino likes about women (and the one thing they lack) - bclar
To Gain Time - isalliknow
Under my Care - duoson
Untitled ohmiya PWP - elfiepike
(untitled) - trickylady
(untitled) - i_am_zan
Untitled - isaofdoom
Utaban fic - kos_mos26
What I Like About You - Lazulisong
Words - bclar
Words for a Song - i_am_zan
Wrong Turn - chokingsmoker
You're so mean! - trickylady
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