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![]() ohmiya skThe secret behind the looks, the giggles and the undeniable connection of the famous duo.Welcome to Ohmiya SK's Himitsu! announcements5th August 2009 Released notice about Contributors. Sorry everyone, for the lack of updates. Updates: Moments: Artistic Ohno tagsOMSK.....(archive)Moments.....(archive) Pictures.....(archive) Goodies.....(archive) Fanarts.....(archive) Fanfics.....(archive) Fanvids.....(archive) Links.....(archive) promo vidprevious postsMarch 2008April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 October 2009 November 2009 |
Friday, 5 December 2008
Airlines - evolardnek
Title: Airlines
Author: evolardnek Rated: R Word count: 4,322 Genre: Romance, Smut Disclaimer: Not mine! Ohmiya own each other. But if I did own them....fufu~(^__^) ![]() --------------------------- ![]() (Ohno's POV) Flight number 61783 now boarding; please have your ticket ready for the attendant and Thank you for choosing Ohmiya airlines. Ohno picked up his bag and headed towards the decking area, It had been a long week of nothing but board meetings and arguments over new products, Ah- thinking about it again now was giving him a headache, he pulled his ticket from the pocket of his suit and handed it to the attending, he gave her a tried smile as she approved it. "It seems you are the only one in first class today sir." The Attending said. "Well not a lot of people take a midnight plane first class back to "Thank you." Ohno said as he entered the boarding hall to the plane. Once inside he picked a seat closest to the window, it didn't really matter what seat he chose since he was going to be the only one but the seat near the window always made him feel calm when riding in a plane. Putting his laptop bag in the seat beside him he looked around, the seats were red and white velvet, in front of him was a huge flat screen TV and if you looked around the room carefully there was surround sound also. He had never taken these Airlines before but this was a very fitting first class, all it was missing was a disco ball. Ohno leaned his seat back some and rubbed his eyes. It would only take an hour or two to get back to "Sir, the plane will be taking off soon, we ask that you please fasten you safely belt during this time" Ohno adjusted his seat back up, and pulled the safely buckle around his waist before clicking it in place, he looked up then to apologize to the attending but the face that met his gaze left him at a lose for words, there standing next to him was the pretties boy he had ever seen in his entire life. His hair was a dark shade of brown, short stopping just at his neckline where it fanned out in gently small spikes, his bangs fall gently over his eyebrows but was pushed to the side off of his face, his skin was a smooth white but not to pale just the right kind that has a bit of a tan to it, his lips were small and pink, and lastly...the thing that stood out most about him.....was his light amber eyes... The stranger looked away from him and started talking with some unknown person Ohno didn't know who but he was sure that his mouth was hanging open a little, closing it quickly he brought his hand up to his mouth and cleared his throat, he felt like a animal in heat or something for looking at a complete stranger in that way, the stranger turned back to him and smiled "Sir if its alright with you we are about to take off and I need to buckle up mind if I sit here next to you until we get airborne?" "H-hai..." Ohno replied as he moved the laptop bag to the floor in front of his feet, the stranger said a quick thanks and sat down, he buckled himself in and looked at his watch before slowly counting down "5.....4...3...2...1..." in no time the plane started to shake a little as it started down the runway, this was the one part Ohno hated most about planes, doesn't it some like its going to blow up when its shaking this much? He grabbed the armrest tightly as the shaking started to get violate, the plane start to lift off, closing his eyes he started to count back from twenty hoping it would be over soon, a soft hand gripped the top of his and squeezed, Ohno's eyes popped open and he looked over at the stranger who's eyes were closed tightly trying to block out the shaking, Ohno smiled and turned his hand around to intertwine their fingers tightly together, the stranger looked up with a surprised expression before a shy small played over his lips. Ohno leaned his head back, for some reason this contact made him feel more relaxed and before he knew it the shaking started to subside, Ohno turned his head and looked out the window, the sky was covered with white clouds over a black starry sky stretching out for miles and miles, letting out a relieved sigh he looked back over at the stranger who was staring at him with a unreadable expression."It seems we are entering a stable atmosphere, that was the worst shaking this plane has ever experienced since I've been here! " "This is my first time experiencing such shaking on a plane; usually the plane gradually takes off with a bit of shaking but not to bad..." Ohno replied with a smile. "Really? How many planes have you been on?" "Hm, just this week four, but if you count the following weeks...hmm... I would say about ten all together" Ohno replied rubbing his forehead with his left hand slowly, he laughed a little thinking about all his trips and business meetings he had been too and was even more relived that it was all over with for the next few weeks before it all started again. "EH?! Ten plane trips in such a short period of time...what exactly do you do?" "EHHHH?? Y-you’re the Ohno Satoshi! Sugoi! I freelance at Maple leaf enterprises; you did the art work for our company a few days ago!" "Really? I remember doing graphics for that company Ah- but thinking over it now it took me hours to complete the design so I kind of finished it in a rush to be honest" Ohno said letting out a nervous laugh. "The design you did was great I remember seeing it for the first time and wondering how could someone draw something so beautiful" "T-thank you" Ohno smiled softly at the strangers kind words. "What's your name?" "I'm sorry how rude of me...I'm Ninomiy- Erm...." Nino paused mid sentenced as he raised his right hand, Ohno had completely forgotten that their fingers were still intertwined tightly together; Nino's face turned a soft shade of pink as he pulled away "G-gomen ne...I didn't realize..." "It's okay" Ohno simply said, he stared down at his hand for a second, the feeling of loneliness washed over him, without the contact of the strangers hand in his it didn't feel right anymore, What was this? "Lets try that again...I'm Ninomiya Kazunari" Nino said and reached out his hand which Ohno gladly took in his, when their hands connected together again an electric shock rushed up his arm before running all over his body, Nino smiled and shook their hands "Its nice to met you" he said before pulled away, the electricity stopped when he pulled away and Ohno felt his hand follow short before stopping himself, What was he doing? Nino heard his name being called with a quick yes in that direction he unbuckled himself and stood up "Looks like I have to go back to work, kind of sucks because we were having such a good conversation *sigh* I'll be back after I do something's but if you need anything before that just push that little green button next to your window ja" Nino said before walking off. Ohno watched him go with curious eyes, that guy was starting to get to him and he barely knew who he was, while he did know his name and that should be good enough right but still there was something different about him...something special that Ohno couldn't place his finger on, he tried to shrug the feeling away but it still lingered inside of him, that feeling he got when their hands touched.... Before he realized it his finger was already pushing the green button, it flashed a few times before Nino appeared again "That was fast, what could I get for you?" Nino said. {Oh dear god in heaven what was he supposed to do now? Quickly Ohno think of something! Anything!} "I....I...that is...c-can...I have a...bottle of water?" Ohno stuttered out, on the inside he was panicking at what he was doing {THAT'S ALL YOU CAN COME UP WITH!! BAKA!!} But on the outside he was calm and collected, Nino smiled at him and nodded "hai, I'll be right back with that" he walked off and Ohno banged his head gently against the seat in front of him {a bottle of water? Smooth Satoshi! Smooth!!} Sighing he leaned back against the chair and rubbed his hands over his face, {Okay Satoshi just play it cool, he is good looking! You have met a lot of good looking people in your life! This time just pla-} Ohno's thoughts were cut short when something cold touched his cheek, he jerked side ways before he realized it was Nino holding the water bottle, he laughed as Ohno took it. "I didn't know anyone could space out so deeply like you do" Nino said as he stretched his arms above his head, this time Ohno got a good look at his uniform, he was wearing black pants with a loosely fitting white short sleeves shirt with a blue vast and yellow stitching on the sides, for some reason...this made Ohno's face heat up, thinking about the clothes he was wearing made him wonder what was underneath..... {YABA!! WHAT AM I A HENTAI!?} Ohno shook his head and opened his water bottle, he took a long sip from it "Ah- thank you that was refreshing!". Ohno twisted the cap back on and wiped his mouth with his sleeve, looking back over at Nino he was surprised to find that he was staring at him, he had this intense look in his eyes, Ohno didn't know how long they stared at each other but Nino finally looked away and smiled. {Kawaii!} Ohno smiled at this gesture "hmm I have many ways that I relax...sleep mainly and please call me Saotshi! Ohno-san makes it sound like I'm still at work" "When I first saw your design and heard about your company I thought that you were some dirty old man in his sixties" Nino said rubbing his chin like he was curious about something he was confused about. Ohno let out a forced laugh "most people do but I'm only twenty-eight". "Hm, your three years older then me so your still an old man" Nino had a playful smile on his lips as Ohno tried to keep his cool face. {I take it back he isn't cute at all!!...okay maybe a little but underneath he is a brat!! While two can play this game} Ohno brushed a strand of hair away from his eyes "Eh? Only three years older then you and I'm still old, twenty-eight is old nowadays huh? Your twenty-five right? Why do you still look seventeen?" Ohno knew he had won this little battle when Nino's face flashed and he bite his lower lip. "I...that is....I have to check on the other passengers..." Nino said as he turned to leave but stopped and looked back over and in a low voice said "If you need anything else...let me know..." with that he walked away. Ohno smiled, it had been a long time since he talked casually with someone that wasn't about business, his eyelids felt heavily with sleep and he yawned, feeling hot he removed his suit jacket and placed it in the seat next to his, leaning his seat all the way back again, he put his arm over his eyes and before he knew it he was asleep. "Kazu...I want you..." Ohno said in a low voice, bringing his face close to Nino's he spread Nino's legs with his own, his hand touched the side of Nino's face gently "Kazu..." "Sa...Satoshi...please...." Nino said panting in excitement; Ohno took this opportunity to thrust into Nino. "Ah...Ah...Ahhhh!" Nino let out sounds of pleasure and anguish mixed together. He arched his back so Ohno could enter him deeper, after Ohno was completely inside he exhaled slowly, the feeling of being inside him was incredible he was just so tight, Nino opened his eyes and met Ohno's hot gaze, Ohno leaned down and pressed their lips together in a passionate kiss. "Mnmm..." Ohno started a fast rhythm and Nino matched it, their bodies meshed together perfectly in a heated motion that they were creating, Nino's body trembled violently. Tears rolled down his face from the joy of the pleasure. Trying to bear with Ohno pounding so hard and deep inside of him, he started panting heavily now, Ohno moved Nino's legs up and over his shoulders "S...Satos...hi..." Nino whispered against her ear between thrusts. Hearing this, Ohno was so aroused that he couldn't take it anymore, the sounds of their panting, the wet sound of them being joined together mixed with Nino's high-pitched moans... "Sir....Sir...please wake up" "Nhmm...h-huh?" Ohno opened his eyes and looked over, at first he was confused about where he was until his vision started to come back and he was met with a female flight attendant. "Sir we will be landing in about thirty-five minutes, I just wanted to make sure you were buckled in" she said "Ah...hai I'm buckled in thanks for checking" Ohno replied leaning his seat back up. She smiled and walked away. {Damn! Great!! wet dreams on a plane! Satoshi...you really are a hentai!} Ohno thought as he felt his pants tighten around his crotch area, he sighed and unbuckled himself {should really take care of this} standing up he made his way to the bathroom, the tiny sign below the handle said Unoccupied so he opened it, there standing in right of him was Nino washing his hands "Ah- Satoshi-san... I was just washing my hands I'll be out in a second" "S...Satos...hi..." The way he said his name made him think about the dream he just woke up from, putting on a smile he tried hiding his still painfully growing hard-on with his hand "N..no take your time I'll jus-" Ohno was cut off as the plane jerked sideways this put Ohno off balance and he ended up crashing into Nino, their lips met during this and Nino's eyes widened, the door slammed shut behind them. As the plane became stable again the captions voice came through the mini speaker in the comer" I do apologize for that just now, we are encountering high winds as we approach our destination, Please sit tight and enjoy the rest of the flight" Ohno quickly pulled away and put his hand on his mouth {Yabai! What do I say now?} As Ohno was lost in his thoughts he didn't noticed when Nino moved passed him a little to lock the door and switch it to Occupied "Ni...Ninomiya-kun...I...that is...it wa-" Ohno's words were cut off as Nino pressed his lips against his. "Mhmm..." Ohno was surprised at first but didn't protest and kissed him back, He pushed the blue vast over his shoulders and down his arms until he heard it flip to the ground, abandoning his mouth Ohno started unbuttoning his shirt as his lips strayed to his jaw, then to his neck. When he was at the last button he pulled his shirt open, exposing his chest, Ohno's hands traveled down his chest while the other one pulled his belt out and unzipped his pants, revealing Nino's hip. "Gomen ne Kazu...but we don't have much time..." Ohno whispered against his neck as he lifted him up, Nino wrapped his legs around Ohno's waist as he turned them towards the sink, Ohno lower Nino down so he was sitting on the counter of the sink. Ohno ran his hands down Nino's legs until he got to his shoes were he quickly removed {Thank god for work shoes!} Ohno then pulled on his pants; Nino lifted his hips a bit and helped wiggle out of them and his boxers as they joined his shoes on the floor. Nino sat on the edge of the sink fully exposed to Ohno's hungry eyes; his gazed scanned his entire body {Beautiful} He thought as his gaze fall on Nino's already hard-on {Sugoi he is already this turned on, me and him are the same} "Satoshi...hurry!" "Hai..." Ohno unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down with his boxers, Ohno grabbed Nino and lifted him up, he turned them again so that Nino's back was against the wall, the narrow space made a tight fit but Ohno could work with it, "Kazu...hold on to me tight" Ohno said as Nino wrapped his arms tightly around his shoulders, Ohno reached around Nino's thigh to his own member, he squeezed clear liquid from the head, stroking it a few times spreading it over his member. Ohno used one hand to grip Nino's thigh and the other one to position himself at Nino's entrance, rubbing along the outside of it getting it nice and wet "don't worry Kazu...I'll be gentle" Ohno said as his wet member begun to enter Nino's body, Ohno could feel Nino's inner walls stretching to his shape, he was as tight as he was in Ohno's dream. "Dear passengers we are beginning to land, please buckle your safety belts and get ready for departure" The captions voice said through the mine speaker but they barely paid any mind to it. The plane started to vibrate a little bit around them this just added on to the feelings Ohno was getting from being inside Nino, pushing deeper and deeper, his inner walls would twitch and Ohno let out a groan at the back of his throat, Nino was clinging around his shoulders, his hot cheek pressed against Ohno's neck "ah...ahhhhhhhhhhh....!" Nino pulled at the fabric of Ohno's shirt as he ejaculated cum between their meshed bodies, Ohno followed soon afterwards plunging harder into Nino's tight hole and flooding it with warm liquid,as his legs turned to rubber underneath him, they both slid slowly to the floor with Ohno still inside him. "We have landed safely please gather your belongings and head towards the decking area, Thank you for flying Ohmiya airlines" Ohno leaned his forehead against Nino's, he stared at him through half opened eyelids and smiled, they were both breathing heavily trying to get their breathing back to normal, Nino's soft brown hair was disheveled and clung to his wet cheeks "Kazu...that was...." Ohno breathed out finally catching his breath. "Y-yeah I know....incredible" Nino replied as their eyes met. The feeling of overwhelming pleasure after he had came, the feeling of satisfaction.....Ohno had never experienced anything like it before. It was deeper then anything he had felt before. Nino's hair was wet with sweat so Ohno gently pushed it out of his eyes; Ohno leaned in and kissed him one last time before standing up on shaky legs pulling Nino up with him. In remarkable speed they were dressed and cleaned up in no time, Ohno helped Nino fix his hair and Nino did the same for him "I'll go out first! I'll signal when it's safe so you can go grab your stuff and make a run for the decking area okay?" Ohno couldn't stop smiling for some reason and the only reply he could give him was a simple "Hmm". "Satoshi...sorry about your shirt...I've seemed to have....made a mess of it..." Nino said staring down at it blushing, Ohno followed his gaze down to the wet spot on his shirt and smiled as he begun to take it off "Its alright I have a tank top underneath I'll just put my jacket on, on top of it" as Ohno balled his shirt up Nino unlocked the door and peaked out, looking back and froth he stepped out before signaling Ohno. ------------ Nino bowed to the other flight attendants as he put on his jacket, for once he wasn't feeling tried at all, even though his butt ached it was in a good way, he felt desired and satisfied, he had been wanting Satoshi ever since he intertwined their fingers together during take off, Nino touched his lips as he remembered Ohno's pressed against his, it was starting to feel lonely without him and the a tiny bubble of hope burned within him that he would maybe see him again....but that would never happen. He was a BIG time business owner and Nino was just....some guy he just fucked in an airplane bathroom, sighing Nino made his way down the decking area hall and started towards the entrances, flipping out his cell phone he was about to call for a taxi once he was outside but his finger paused over the send button. There waiting for him was Ohno, he was leaning against a stretched black limo looking up at the sky before he noticed him, standing up straight he put his hands in his pockets and smiled shyly. Yeah know....I don't usually do this...I mean....in the bathroom....you don't usually do this either right?" Nino could only shake his head slowly still in the awe of the moment. "That's good..." Ohno said rolling his tongue slowly over his lips before biting down on them gently; Nino watched this movement, lost to it before Ohno started talking again. "I'm an extremely busy person...my father left me this entire company to ran...and to be honest I really don't know what I'm doing...I'm an artist, I love to paint so when I have time that's what I do...one of the ways I relax....I space out more then normal people....and I love to fish....yes I sound like a complete old man!...but......I don't want to come off all cheesy with an I love you because that's way to soon....but...I liked the feeling I got when I was with you...I don't know if you felt it or not but...before...when we were up there and our hands met for the first time...what I'm trying to get at is...I...don't want that feeling to end here...." Ohno finally said. Nino was at a lose for words so he simply just stared {EHHH! Is this really happening!} flipping his phone closed he put it back into his pocket "Let me just say...that I'm not really normal...while of what others have told me....I don't have a huge company to command around, I'm a gamer I can spend about thirteen hours playing on my DS, I'm also a musician master on the piano, I hate the outdoors so I mostly stay inside, and I get seasick Very easily..... But to be honest...when we were up there....and I grabbed your hand during take off....I......also don't want this feeling to end". Ohno smiled and reached out his hand "while then...would you like to have dinner with me?" Nino walked closer and took his hand "Only if we could shower first!" "Deal" Himitsu's Tweaker: Hawt public smex on plane Labels: fanfiction |
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