Missing you- duoson
Title: Missing you
Author: duoson
Disclaimer: How I wish that Ohmiya's mine...but they're JE's
Rating: G total fluff
Summary: How do Ohno deals with Nino's absence. the fact is, Nino only went to shoot LTI for 1 month. I kinda stretch dat ;p.
Authors Notes: First fic here at LJ. Kindly points out any error neh. Tq!
it's been 5months. they've never been apart longer than
this time during the 7 years they're together as a group.
ohno feels a sense of loss.
he miss how he always rest his chin on his shoulder.
he miss how he always pulls crazy pranks.
he miss his goofy smile, that twinkle in his eyes.
he miss how he always leans in his body.
he miss how affectionate he is around him.
he miss singing with him, the harmony that they create together.
he miss his presence.
he miss him.
he miss nino.
ohno is at his home. he's having a rare free day which
he took the time to create some art.
without realizing, he is sketching nino's face.
wishing he'll be home to japan, to him.
the house bell ran throghout the house.
'who could that be?' he thought.
when ohno open the door, he face a man,
skinnier than he have ever been.
looking wearier than he've ever looked.
with his baggage tagging along behind him.
the man was looking down when ohno open the door.
but when he realize that the door is open, he look up.
look straight into ohno's eyes.
ohno walk towards the man. he felt dizzy. as if this
is a dream. he cupped the man face in his hand.
the man closed his eyes.
the man eyes flutters open
the man smiles in his palm.
ohno pulls the man into his arm.
the man put his arm around ohno's waist.
ohno tightens his arm around the man.
as if he couldn't believe that the man is back.
back to him.
he's drowning in the smells of nino. only nino.
ohno have asked nino to get a shower and rest first
while he prepare some dinner for them.
ohno's in the kitchen. preparing some croquette
and the famous yukkedon of his that nino loves so much.
suddenly he felt the familiar feel of chin digging
into his shoulder.
'i thought i asked you to rest first?'
'ehh..but i want to help oh-chan prepare dinner'
nino whine in his ears.
ohno smiles.
he reaches for the man hand.
he kiss the back of nino's hand.
he pulls the man by his hand.
he put the man in one of the chair in the kitchen.
'you'll just watch me kay. then we'll eat together'
nino just smile and squeeze back ohno's hand.
ohno continue cooking.
around 15 minutes after that, he's finished and
turn around to find nino's fall asleep on the chair.
His head on the kitchen table.
ohno put the man in his arm.
Nino's hand instinctively circles ohno's neck.
his face settle in the crook of ohno's neck.
'oh-chan' he murmurs sleepily.
Ohno carries the man to the spare room where a futon is already spread.
he carefully put the man on the futon.
watch him stirs a little.
ohno pulls the blanket over the man body.
tucking him in.
ohno looks at nino.
how endearing he look at that time.
how fragile.
ohno brush a few stray hair from the man forehead.
'nino aisyiteruyo'
a very sleepy nino smiles and in almost a
whisper, 'i know'
ohno leans over and kiss nino's forehead.
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