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ohmiya sk

The secret behind the looks, the giggles and the undeniable connection of the famous duo.

Welcome to Ohmiya SK's Himitsu!


5th August 2009
Released notice about Contributors.
Sorry everyone, for the lack of updates.

Moments: Artistic Ohno

promo vid

layout credits

Bituwin - template
Ken ;) - images

Monday, 25 May 2009
One of Aiba's Special Dice Games

Arashi no Shukudaikun
Episode: #13 (25/12/2006)

It's one of the oldies, brings back such good memories T^Tb

Here we go~
Aiba decides that a Christmas episode is best spent with him in a Reindeer suit.

Also... by playing one of his dice games :Db
And how does Ohmiya respond?

Not too good.
Especially since there's the usual Stocking Head punishment.
And guess who gets to be the first to wear a stocking on his head?

Ahh, Ohno. What luck XD
But it's okay, since Nino does his bit to show his wifey side:

He even put his hat back on:

So while Ohno features remain frozen within the stockings, Nino enjoys the view

That's Nino calling onto hubby who's eyeing Jun's reward food.
Nino is all happy since he, too gets food... Up to the point where he didn't realize Ohno making a pervy move towards Sho:

And when I say pervy, I mean holding Sho's shirt tight so Ogu-san can cut the nipple parts XD

Anyways, back to Ohmiya.
Guess who gets to wear stockings on their head?

Ohno is so excited, he tripped trying to get to Nino and grope him

Anyhow, that was how the Stocking Brothers were born!

And then, Unlucky Ohno had to do another punishment where he was carried like a child and asked to 'Go PeePee~'

(It doesn't look like it, but let me tell you, that was embarrassing)

Don't worry, Ohno gets comforted by Nino:

And gets a special nose rub too ;D

And here we see bored Ohmiya looking at each other through stocking eyes:

And Ohmiya holding Jun down while Aiba smother him with a hot towel:

This is Aiba's secret ways on killing his bandmates slowly

And Ohmiya pairing up with Jun for a threesome 8D to become the merrier Stocking Brothers:

And the best part?
Nino gets a pudding in the middle of the game:

He enjoyed it so much he nearly cried when he couldn't finish it because he was forced to put the stocking back on XD
So, Ohno very tenderly...

Pat his head and stroke his cheek!
Did you see that? 8DD

Because we all know Ohmiya love each other ;D

Subbed video here, thanks to techni_teddy.
And raw video here.
All gifs and screencaps are property of Himitsu.


Friday, 8 May 2009
Nino likes Ohno's smell.

Arashi no Shukudaikun
Episode: #133 (5/04/2009)

(Please no hotlinking, upload to your own hosting site.)

Ah- I see you Ohno! He has such a dazed look on his face when staring at his lover. XD

That look turns into a smile. XD what the hell are you thinking about Ohno!! Ah- Not only do I have Ohno giving Nino the look of love! I also have Nino sitting like a girl! I LOVE IT!~ NINO! NINO YOU ARE TOTALLY A GIRL WITH A PENIS!!!~ XD SLOL why can't he sit manly like Ohno!

Ohno looks back over towards the guest, and with that Nino moves over and gives her a "Bitch don't even think about it!~ HE IS MINE!" look of disgust! XD (Loving him sitting like a girl! Can I just love on this moment! *humps the screen cap* XD LOL~)

For some reason Nino is making a very stand Up face! GOD I MISS STAND UP!! XD Look at him! Doesn't he look like he is making a stand up face!!~ XD anyway Nino is still giving the guest funny looks. Ohno moves and leans forward and with that Nino quickly claims what also belongs to him! which is Ohno's knee<33 src="http://i683.photobucket.com/albums/vv199/SugarBox_photos/UtabanVSANS%20Update/ANS-7.jpg">
and then BOOM!~ Nino sitting like a girl again! Now that his property has been claimed there is nothing to fear XD I love Ohno's face here<33 src="http://i683.photobucket.com/albums/vv199/SugarBox_photos/UtabanVSANS%20Update/ANS-8.gif">
The guest starts talking about baths and Soap and Nino randomly laughs and looks over at Ohno with this look! NINO ARE YOU REMEMBERING SOMETHING!!~ WHATS WITH YOU TWO TODAY!! XD LMAO!~

DEAR FUCKING GOD!!! AGAIN WITH SUCH PUBLIC LOVE!! WHATS WITH THEM!! FLASHY BASTARDS!! XD Nino puts his hand on the inside of Ohno's thigh before leaning over! I KNOW!~ I WATCHED IT IN SLOW MOTION!! FUCK YEAH!!~ I love the smile after he sniffs him! like "Hmm you smell so good!!~" XD OHMIYA NEVER LEAVE ME!!~ Ohno looks over at him like "Why did you stop!~" and he has a tiny smile<3 src="http://i683.photobucket.com/albums/vv199/SugarBox_photos/UtabanVSANS%20Update/ANS-10.gif">
Not to long afterwards Nino does this move~because really~ he needs that knee to move just a inch over! >.>

Ohmiya's "I can't wait until this is all over so we can have sex!" faces XD its either that or they are completely bored with the guest. Who btw I thought was really pretty~ and I want to write a fic where her and Yuu get together (^_^)v Nino did you move the pillow so you and your husband can be closer. XD

Raw Video:ArashixDream
Credits goes to me (Himitsu's Ken) for the gifs and caps.


Thursday, 7 May 2009


What is it: Fanart at deviantART
Who owns it: koony
How old: 5 years
Life-like art, apparently prints can be bought there as well. Very vivid colors. There's a couple of my favorites like 'Maou: kisses' and 'Ohmiya at Supermarket'


A B S C O N D ; Press

A B S C O N D ; Press

What is it: Fanfiction community at Livejournal
Who owns it: twirlability & honooko
How old: Since 2005
"Abscond, v. ab•scond
1. To leave quickly and secretly and hide oneself, often to avoid arrest or prosecution."

Himitsu's Tweaker:
This is one of my favorite stalking place fanfic compilation site. I personally love how the author (honooko, in particular) writes Ohmiya.


I refuse to title this Thing. D: D: - isaofdoom

Title: I refuse to title this Thing. D: D:
Author: isaofdoom @ crazyground
Rating: ... Barely NC-17 but I don't think it's PG-13 anymore?? ;A;
Summary: [Nino dreaming where Ohno is a girl or vice versa.] I took vice versa :D
The weirdest thing I ever did write.
Notes: To dthnhi, for without her this would have been buried in my laptop forever and ever uncompleted. Thus: this is all her fault. :D :Db Srsly though, I does love her, yessiree. ♥


This is a drabble dump. D: D: - isaofdoom

Title: This is a drabble dump. D: D:
Author: isaofdoom @ crazyground
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The contest entries for ohmiya's contest, and teh fail!entries~
Notes: ... Hahaha, I am definitely not made for drabbling. Or word limits. XD;;


Untitled - isaofdoom

Title: Untitled
Author: isaofdoom @ crazyground
Rating: PG
Summary: Nino can't sleep. More pointless fluff because, again, I suck like that. |Db
Notes: I think my posts are getting more thoughtless. Oh well.


Everyone and their mums ship Ohmiya :D - isaofdoom

Title: Everyone and their mums ship Ohmiya :D
Author: isaofdoom @ crazyground
Rating: PG-13??
Summary: [Nino using manga he brings in to be suggestive to Ohno] except I immediately went, phffft, Riida draws his own kinky manga. In fact, there might even be doujin. LOL, sorry. ;A;
Notes: I am just full off mistakes today. D: D: What I meant to say was, I like this more than my actual entries. D: D: D:


Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Right Back To You - isaofdoom

Title: Right Back To You
Author: isaofdoom @ crazyground
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The ten stages to OhMiya SK.
Notes: Every time I get into a new fandom, I will write this thing, focusing on my OTP, that sort of maybe follows 'cannon' but jumps all over the damned place and is all abstract-ish. This one's for Arashi :D;;


Waiting For Yesterday - thefrug

Title: Waiting For Yesterday
Vidder: thefrug
Song: Waiting for Yesterday by David Archuleta


Unusual You - thefrug

Title: Unusual You
Vidder: thefrug
Song: Unusual You by Britney Spears


Ohmiya SK - Only You - schizomode

Title: Ohmiya SK - Only You (Chipmunkies version) ~XD
Vidder: schizomode

Ghey, Grey.... and moarrr Gheyness! wOoh0O!


Leave Unsaid What's Unspoken - thefrug

Title: Leave Unsaid What's Unspoken
Author: artimitatessex or thefrug
Rating: NC-17ish...
Summery: Please catch me now, I'm lying. You taught me how it can feel like love.
A/N: This story is dedicated to two people, komeyama, because your porn made me want to write porn. And to nicadj because your angst made me want to write angst. The pairing says "???" but, everyone who knows me...should know who it is! Enjoy!
WARNING : This was written on intense lack-of-sleep...beware of run on sentences!! Beta read by myself! <3


Just Some Silly Drabbles - thefrug

Title: Just Some Silly Drabbles
Author: thefrug @ artimitatessex
Rating: G
Notes: Just like the last time I did Ohmiya drabbles; I used only the time span of the song playing to write the drabble. It was very difficult! hehe! I also included download links for the songs that were playing; just in case anyone wanted them! :)


Five times Nino was a little shit to Chinen and one time he felt kind of bad about it - Omnipresent Doormat

Title: Five times Nino was a little shit to Chinen and one time he felt kind of bad about it
Author: Omnipresent Doormat
Summary: Nino feels as though his territory is being threatened and decides to do something about it.
Rating: PG
For: waxrose, crazychickencow, and honooko made really kick-ass betas and walls to bounce ideas off of. ♥♥♥♥♥, you guys.


Ohmiya in the kitchen drabble - Omnipresent Doormat

Title: Ohmiya in the kitchen drabble
Author: Omnipresent Doormat
Rating: PG


[icons] - miyasan

Credits: miyasan

Do NOT credit Himitsu for these icons, plese credit the maker: miyasan



Artist: mirai_kazuko

That's Nino twitching at Chinen's bright smile ;D

Picture linked back to artist's page.
Get consent and credit mirai_kazuko if using


5 times Chinen thought about writing Ohno fan-letters - mirai_kazuko

Title: 5 times Chinen thought about writing Ohno fan-letters.
Author: mirai_kazuko
Rating: PG-13 (Because I can't write porn)
Warning(s): un-BETA-ed, shounen-ai/yaoi
Disclaimer: If I did own them, I'd be sued for molestation. X3


Protective - lockability

Title: Protective
Author: lockability
Rating: G
Words: 653


Red - lockability

Title: Red
Author: lockability
Rating: G
Words: 790


Slowly - lockability

Title: Slowly
Author: lockability
Rating: PG
Words: 1119
Notes: Written for the fic exchange.


Congratulations! - jamiesteban

Title: Congratulations!
Author: jamiesteban
Summary: Ohno won the award of best actor and the members gave him a surprise.
Rating: PG-13
Genre: romance, fluff
Author’s note: Okay, so it was only an hour and a half when it was announced at lj that Ohno won the award for the being the best actor. I suddenly got inspired! (>.<) I’m sorry it was not beta. I have this urge to post it directly. But don’t worry, my series will be beta… soon.


To Gain Time - isalliknow

Title: To Gain Time
Author: isalliknow
Fandom: JE RPS
Rating: Pg
Summary: I can't do a coherent summary for this particular fic, so here is the first few lines: The rain jumped up from the pavement, bouncing in time to his heart beat as he watched the funeral procession through the cemetery. He had done all of the crying, the tears at first endless, leaking out to leave a hole in the pit of his stomach where love used to be. Now he was hollow and the days seemed endless.
Warning: There is death of a minor character herein. And of course, I do not own people because that would be enslavement, I leave that to Johnny himself.
A/N: I haven't written in a while. Mostly because I don't push myself if I'm blocked. But this just flowed out of me and was written in less than 45 minutes, so yay! for Ohmiya unblocking me.


Going, going - elfiepike

Title: Going, going
Author: elfiepike
Rating: PG
Notes: dedicated once more to aeslis for her beta-ing. inspired by the clip from mini music station before a performance of kitto daijoubu. aiba, jun, and ohno really did go to a bar after sending off nino; i sincerely doubt this is what happened. XD


Don't Look Back - elfiepike

Title: Don't Look Back (the unknowing mix)
Author: elfiepike
Rating: G
Notes: this is a remix/continuation of Don't Look Back by originaru (fiction journal: be_shining). thanks to originaru for allowing me to do this. beta by the lovely aeslis!


Prologue - elfiepike

Title: Prologue
Author: elfiepike
Rating: PG
Notes: written for 30_kisses. obviously fiction, etc etc etc. graciously beta'd by cimness.


Like - lockability & i_am_zan

Title: Like
Author: lockability & i_am_zan
Warning: Collab, yay!
Notes: Me and Zan wrote a fic together, yay! I wrote the first half and she wrote the second half! Um... there's nothing really to babble about, so I just hope that everyone likes it! Enjoy~


Songs for You - i_am_zan

Title: Songs for You
Author: i_am_zan
Rating: G
Category/summary: Just fluffy drabbles and a half
DISCLAIMER: Don't own the boys, not written for profit but for sheer sheer love!
The quality around here is very high so please forgive, the brevity and uh umm lacklustreness of it all, and I did dither quite awhile before I thought I maybe ought to share. I have no beta for which I humbly apologise.


Rebuilding on Belief - i_am_zan

Title: Rebuilding on Belief
Author: i_am_zan
Rating: G
Genre: Angst and possibly cheesy fluff
Disclaimer(s): Arashi are contracted to Johnny's, they belong to themselves and each other. Written for fun and the love of it and not for profit
Summary: *Headdesk in shame* Post scandal fic, I know I apologise.
A/N: This is here because ditch_gospel,flange5 both of whom I am grateful to for the beta as well as edit suggestions, & panthera_mort have more faith in me than I do.
Thanks also go to chokingsmoker for permission to refer to her fic! "It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp" and her wonderful friendship and to lockability for her encouragement always


Of Threats and Challenges - i_am_zan

Title: Of Threats and Challenges
Author: i_am_zan
Rating: PG
Pairings: None
Warnings: I dunno, should Ohno in the shower come with a health advisory?? ^_~
Disclaimer: I do not own Ikuta Toma nor Arashi, although Arashi may have adopted Ikuta Toma ... this is fiction written for fun, not profit and for love!
A/N: This goes with much Loveand a huge Thank you my dearest ditch_gospel for the beta and also for being encouraging always. This came from a Saiyuki, Hakkai/Gojyo prompt over at springkink comm.
This also goes to kit-chan, cam and emilenshook ...sorry girls its too late at night and I'm too lazy! Gomen! As always with much love.


Comment Box FlashFic - i_am_zan

Title: Comment Box FlashFic
Author: i_am_zan
Rating: G, all of them
Category: 3 X One shot
Disclaimer: Arashi belongs not to me, they really belong to/with each other. ^_~ This is fiction, written not for profit but for love!
A/N: These started life out as comment fic. These have been searched out, collected and tidied up for flange5's Birthday. HAPPY BELATED BIRTDAY MY DEAR
I know it's a little bit of a cheat,but I thought you might like to find them all in one place!


In Concert & Endgame

Title: In Concert & Endgame
Author: i_am_zan
Rating: G to PG-ish
Summary: Ohno and his loves ... ^_~ November IS Riida's birthday month after all.
Disclaimer: Arashi do not belong to me, they belong to themselves and each other. Written with love for love and not for profit!


[icons] - hakka_candy

Credits: hakka_candy @ tishpaper

Do NOT credit Himitsu, please credit the maker: hakka_candy @ tishpaper
