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ohmiya sk

The secret behind the looks, the giggles and the undeniable connection of the famous duo.

Welcome to Ohmiya SK's Himitsu!


5th August 2009
Released notice about Contributors.
Sorry everyone, for the lack of updates.

Moments: Artistic Ohno

promo vid

layout credits

Bituwin - template
Ken ;) - images

Sunday, 30 November 2008
Ice Skating~

Golden Rush Arashi
Episode: #10 (22/12/2007)

I went skating the other day and was reminded by this:

So today I bring you...

Ohmiya Spazzing on Ice!

So. Aiba brings them ice-skating during winter.
But hey, what's the fun in just ice-skating, right?
(well, it's not all that fun to Aiba anyways...)

So he does a mini quiz.
By getting Arashi (read: ghei boys but not ghei enough to know about twirlies typical boys) to guess complicated skate moves done by a pro.
Aiba's a genius, did I forget to mention? :D

So, here we have Arashi being all doubtful:

And Ohmiya sticking very close to each other because they're cold.

No really, they are.

Or maybe it's just Nino unwilling to sacrifice his warmth (-.-ll)

Nino tucks his hand under Ohno's

It goes so naturally for him 8D

So the aim for today is to answer questions to Aiba Jnr who's waiting for them at the other side of the rink.

No, it's more like try to get to Aiba Jnr on the other side of the rink
first by pushing, pulling and scrambling all over the ice.

And so we see loads of Ohmiya in action :)

1. Nino clutching Ohno when the pink lady tried to pull him down with her

2. Ohno holding on Nino's coat

3. Nino pulling Ohno's hand

4. Ohmiya hold hands on ice

And my personal favourite:

5. Ohmiya holding onto each other
so they won't fall like geeks on ice

Ohmiya agrees with me, they're a happy lot today.

But anyways, back to answering the questions.

So Aiba asks a question.

And Ohmiya look at the pro-skater intently.

More like Ohno wants to eat the prize and Nino wants to help.
Because everyone knows a full Ohno is a happy Ohno.

A happy Ohno is an obliging Ohno that'll do various kinky things

And Nino scores!

Nino looks at Ohno and Ohno beams back (^^b)

And they linked hands when they got it correct together.

Oh! They also played a game of tag.

With the pro skater
The girl that skated at various competitions.

Arashi had no chance whatsoever

And I think it's cute that when Ohno tries to catch her, Nino can be heard cheering in the background going
"Go, Leader, GO!"

And no Ohmiya outing would be complete without some groping XD

Gifs are mine and since I particularly do not like to do them, they're hardly any good in quality :/

Subbed video, courtesy of nyanchan and palmandgo can be found here.

No idea where to get the raw file, sorry.


Warm Food = Ramen = Love

Nino wrote in his blog (those phone kind), Game Nikki X about his date with Ohno.
His date.
He wrote it in his blog.

Head over here to read more, thanks to jweb_love for translating

(It's just so like Ohno to order ramen for Nino &hearts)


Saturday, 29 November 2008

The best thing has happen.
shaking their booties in the most alluring way can be seen.

Credits: Susan Sto-Helit - thank you for making my weekend

*incoherent flailing*



Hands, Ear and Butts...?

Ohmiya Collage by zan


Friday, 28 November 2008
'...close physical proximity...'

From : Only Star (11/10/2008) featuring Sho Sakurai

Translation from the wonderful An which can be found here.

Who gets lonely most easily in Arashi?

"Ohno-kun & Nino I guess. Whenever I notice the two of them, they are always very close(physical proximity) to each other. So I think both of them are the type that feels lonely easily [laughs]."


Wednesday, 26 November 2008
4 Ohmiya Drabbles - kos_mos26

Title: (none)
Author: kos_mos26
Rating: some PG, PG-13 and an R
Genre: Ranging from fluff to romance to crack/smut



Ryusei no Kizuna/Maou Crossover

Himitsu's Tweaker:
Don't forget to ask for permission if using :


(none) - zan

Title: (none)
Author: zan
Rating: G
Genre: Angst
Note: Unbeta-ed.

Ohno padded softly around the kitchen slowly getting his things together. It was cold and very dark outside. Part of him wanted to stay home but the apartment was huge, silent and empty without fifty percent of its occupants. Likely Nino would be tired too when he came back. This way, Ohno saw it as giving the guy a chance to rest and recharge before the day started. He was just about to leave when…

“You, where do you think you’re going?” Nino is tired and a little hungry but is willing to let that pass. He is hungry for something else but seeing Ohno already about to go and something in him snaps a little.

“Uhhmm fishing,” Ohno colours a little guiltily. “I thought you might like to rest more and you know I don’t want to be distracting you when you have to be up again in a few hours.”

“Oh. You thought did you? What I might need … you know it all do you?” Ohno knows Nino is tired grouchy and cranky and needs to sleep but he can’t all wound up like that so he drops his things, shrugs off his coat and walks over to Nino, putting his arms round Nino and engulfs him in a hold. Gently firmly and with as much love he can muster into that touch. Nino moulds himself to Ohno and clings.

“I’m tired and I just really need you to hold me okay.”

“Shhh, don’t talk.” Ohno guides Nino into the bedroom and lays him on the bed. Nino is grateful.

Himitsu's Tweaker:
I asked the author to write me a little something so I can sleep happy and she whipped this up in minutes. I thought I'd share because I love it to pieces, I do enjoy a teeny bit of angst that ends with love and hope :)


Why not, Nino?!

Arashi no Shukudaikun
Episode: #110 (11/11/2008)

This episode is golden! Apparently they overspent on lobster and stuff so they had to cut down on budgeting and Aiba's the one responsible of the activities they're doing XD

Ohmiya was so full-blown for this episode :D


Ohmiya in Futons!

So, Ohno was proven to be a good resting place.

That's until Nino realises people were abusing his resting place.

Oh Nino, it's too early to be aggressive (>.<) Let's all be peaceful and in love.

Ohno feeling cuddly.

And leaning against Nino, unaware of the world.

Just him and Nino and her fingers, which he played absentmindedly.

Nino re-claiming his well-known resting place.

And loving it.

God, Nino, can that smirk
be any bigger?

It's either that or casual bumps.

Or admiring Ohno's pretty ass

(Which we
know Nino loves best)

Or laughing their hearts out.

Or forgetting they are
actually shooting and having a world of their own ♥

Ogura-san is talking to you, Oh-chan!

Aiba is secretly
a genius because the only way he could get approval of oddly created cheap foods is to get Ohno to eat it.

And Ohno says 'Umai desu yo~' while Nino giggles like mad.
Clever Aiba-chan! :D

Then he tries to get Nino to eat.
But Nino doesn't want to.

Even after all that coaxing and a very sweet Ohno wanting to feed him.
Ohno's positioning the chopsticks so easily, it's obvious he's used to feeding Nino :D

Thinking moment.
Why the heck doesn't Nino want to eat?
Ohno was willing to feed him (which is, well honestly, kinda rare for Oh-chan to be showing such love).
And Nino is
hardly a shy person. Come on, this is a man that gropes and kisses Ohno in front of like what, 1092319023 screaming fangirls?
So, why not Nino?
The only conclusion would be...
Nino doesn't want to be full because he's planning on doing someone something that needs his fullest energy.
So, he can't feel full and bloated, ne?

So, Ohno's not happy:

But Nino has his own way of getting Ohno's forgiveness:

Yes. By groping Ohno XD
And playing with Ohno's hoodie:

And raising Ohno's leg-

WAIT. What the heck are you guys doing?!
Even Ogura-san went: O_O

Ogu-san: Why are you two fooling around over there?
Nino: No, no. Today's like a live broadcast, right?

... so basically, you want the whole world to know that both of you do weird kinky stuff in real life? *snickers*

Moving on! Feeding more food to Oh-chan!

But still, Nino declines Ohno's offer.

Ohno is disappointed his nice intentions were spurned.
Wifey Nino tries to comfort him by skin contact, yes.

And more groping.

Whoops, Nino, you missed.

Then, Nino went to get a drink.
He looked over at Oh-chan...

And we see Ohno trotting over to hubby!

*beams happily*

So Aiba thinks the best way to cut cost is by sleeping.
Aiba, you're so cute!

In the futons you go.

You can't see this because of the shukudaikun logo, but Ohno
just peeked at Nino.
He must be sad they had to go into separate futons.

Once in a comfortable position, Nino quickly peeked over to see if hubby is doing ok.

Hubby not doing too good, Nino :/

But at least he's trying to sleep.
Nino shifted alot, giggled with Jun and
threw a tantrum at Aiba.
So Aiba make pulled him on stage to do a magic trick.

Don't pat Nino's ass like that, Aiba. Ohno might throw a tantrum.

And yes indeed, Ohno is not looking very happy.

But no worries, Ohno got a few minutes of sleep and he's all jolly afterwards.

Note how he's on his knees looking over at adorable Nino, half in his futon.


If Nino sleeps like this:

And Ohno sleeps like this:

How could they be sleeping together?

Because of this, of course:

Ohno is
trained to shift to his side and snuggle when prompt!

This post is inspired by evolardnek.
All gifs and pictures are hers, check her own version over here (locked, MAJOR ohmiya-fan, go friend her :D)
Translation courtesy of the wonderful aatash, found here.
Raw video here.
